Lee's Summit Quilters' Guild

Our next meeting is June 10, 2024
guest presenter is Denise Stahl, The Curios Kansas Quilter
see page 4 of the current newsletter
meeting starts 9am at Woods Chapel Methodist Church
Youtube video showing our Guild's quilts at the MO Star Museum
click HERE to view the video

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Blast - Monday's Meeting - November 9, 2020

Lots of reminders below but we are trying to keep it to just one Blast. 


The Drive Through has been renamed to Stop, Swap and Shop.   With winter upon us we wanted to continue to have the drive through for those that do not feel comfortable coming to the meetings but we are making some changes.  We will be setting up tables just inside the sliding glass doors at Manna.   A diagram is attached.   The diagram shows Dottie inside for the Pizza Box swap but weather permitting, she will be outside under the overhang.   Think of it like going to the grocery store, going in for a few things, grab them and back to the car.  If you really cannot come inside, park in one of the 4 handicap parking spaces to the south of the overhang and someone will come to you. 


A diagram has been attached to show the layout in the lobby.


The Greeting Table will be moved from the lobby to the large room where the meetings are held.  They will be on the left as you come in the door.  Diane will have a basket for you to drop your dues in.  It would helpful if you put them in an envelope but if you don’t one, she will have some. 


The 20/20 dues are due.  To take advantage of the discount, they must be paid by November 9.

$20.00 for renewing members and $30.00 for new members.  If mailing, they should be sent to Diane Cox.  They can be dropped off at the greeting table. 


Guild Projects: The monthly Fat Quarter Raffle starts this month.  Batiks will be collected.  You will get a ticket for every FQ you bring and at the end of the business meeting we will draw for the winner.  You can also get in the raffle if you are only doing the Stop, Swap and Shop. 


Lynn also has copies of the Sunflower pattern for the challenge.  Stop in and sign up and pick up your pattern.  Remember, you can do it any way you want.  Fabric, paint, any embellishments.  Just make it your own vision!  It is to be finished at 15” x 15”.  



The Holiday Party this year will be a little different.   We have decided we will not have refreshments but you are free to bring your drink and a snack if you wish for yourself. 


In place of refreshments, we are going to have a little gift bag for those that attend, or do the Stop, Swap and Shop.  However, you must RSVP.  Let us know by telling them at the greeting table this month when you check in for the meeting or email Nancy [nansols@comcast.net], or call or Text Nancy at 816-517-1627.  Be sure to identify yourself if you text.  RSVP not later than November 15. 

We are collecting non-perishable food items for Manna’s food pantry this year.  They are in need of canned fruits.  We will collect these items if you wish to donate at the November and December meetings.  We will have a box in the lobby directly across from the double doors below the hand sanitizing table.


We would also like you to bring your favorite Christmas quilt or hand made Christmas item for a special show and tell.   If you don’t have a favorite, that’s okay too.  


The Fat Quarter raffle for December will be holiday fabrics.


Snow Days and guild cancelation:  When Lee’s Summit school buses aren’t running, our meetings will be cancelled.  We will also send a blast should this happen.


Outreach is still in need of any and all cotton fabric you would like to donate.  It takes a lot of fabric for a quilt especially backing.  Please check in your stash and consider donating fabric that you bought a while ago and now don’t know what to do with it. 


Ways and Means have the following items for sale:


Binding needles- $3

Yarn needles- $1

1 Misting bottle- $9

Best Press- $13

Ruler arrows- $7

45MM Olfa Blades- $20

Hugo tape:  1/2" ($6) and 1" ($8)

Bohin super needle threader- $16

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